10 Key Reasons Why You Keep Dating Narcissists

10 key reasons why you keep dating narcissists There are a lot of reasons why people date narcissists. Maybe you're looking for someone who takes care of them, provides constant reassurance, and never has any problems or criticisms. Maybe you think that a narcissist will make a great friend and husband/wife. Whatever the reason, it's time to face the fact that dating a narcissist is never going to end well. Here are 10 key reasons why.

You Lack a Core Sense of Identity

Your Fear For Your Safety

You Feel Alone and Vulnerable

You Believe That You're Not Good Enough

Your Relationship Is One-sided or Dysfunctional

You Can't Stand Criticism or Even Confrontation

Your Partner Makes You Feel Guilty All the Time

You Don’t Commit to No Contact

If you're dating a narcissist, it's time to end the relationship and start healing. You don't deserve to be in such a toxic situation where you're constantly feeling hurt and unsupported. Stick up for yourself and get out of this situation as soon as possible.

You Keep Believing You Deserve Abuse

Maybe you believe that you deserve to be treated poorly because of the way you're feeling inside. dating a narcissist makes you feel like a victim, which only perpetuates the abuse. It's time to face your belief and find someone who will support and love you for who you are – no matter what.

They are physically attractive

Sometimes people are drawn to narcissists for superficial reasons. They may see them as being attractive and charming, which can be a primary source of validation for them. If you're dating a narcissist, it's time to face the fact that their looks don't mean anything – they're still worth nothing in the grand scheme of things.

You Are Easily Manipulated


If you're dating a narcissist, then chances are they have mastered the art of manipulation. They know exactly what buttons to push and how to get under your skin. It's important that you learn how to protect yourself from

Keep Boundaries

It's important to have healthy boundaries in any relationship, but dating a narcissist can be especially difficult. They can be very demanding and often push your buttons in ways that you don't expect. If you're dating a narcissist, it's essential that you learn how to set firm boundaries and stick up for yourself.

They Control Your Life

Dating a narcissist means they control the majority of the interactions in your life. This can range from what you wear to where you go, who you talk to and even what you think about them. If this is not something that is compatible with

Understanding their actions is not a reflection of you

It's important to remember that understanding narcissism is not a reflection of who you are. No one is completely immune to narcissistic tendencies, but it's important to understand them in order to safely date and interact with someone who suffers from this disorder.

Be prepared to sacrifice

dating a narcissist often means making sacrifices. You may have to give up your time, energy and interests in order to keep the relationship afloat. This can be difficult, but it's important to remember that dating a narcissist is not worth sacrificing your health or well-being for.


Don't internalize blame when to leave a narcissistic person

If you find yourself struggling in a relationship with a narcissist, it's important not to internalize blame. This can lead to negative self-talk and feelings of guilt. Remember that you are not responsible for the actions of someone who suffers from the narcissistic disorder. If things are going too far, it is important to reach out for help.

They Are Charming

At first, dating a narcissist may seem like the perfect thing. They are handsome, charming and have great looks. However, this facade is often just an act. Narcissists are usually self-centred and lack empathy for others. As soon as you try to get close to them, they will start manipulating and controlling you in order to maintain control over your life.

They Are Usually Unfulfilled

Most narcissists are not happy with who they are and end up dating people who reflect that dissatisfaction in some way or another. This can lead to long-term abusive relationships where the narcissi