How To Deal With A Compensatory Narcissist

Dealing with a compensatory narcissist can be a challenging experience. It's important to remember that their behavior is not about you—it's a symptom of the underlying insecurity and low self-esteem that drives compensatory narcissism. In this blog post, we will explore what compensatory narcissism is and how it affects their behavior. Additionally, we will share practical tips on how you can deal with a compensatory narcissist, including understanding their root behavior, setting boundaries, and practicing empathy when connecting with them. Along the way, we'll highlight the importance of seeking professional help when necessary to keep your own mental and emotional well-being intact.

How To Deal With A Compensatory Narcissist

What is a Compensatory Narcissist?

Compensatory Narcissism is a distinct personality type characterized by passive-aggressive tendencies, underlying feelings of inadequacy, and dependence on others' approval. The term was coined by Dave Kelly, and Theodore Millon classified it as one of the five types of narcissism in 1996.

Compensatory Narcissists tend to exhibit attention-seeking behaviors, inappropriate behavior, and may have antisocial tendencies. However, they are more dependent on the approval of others than those who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It can be difficult to deal with a Compensatory Narcissist, and it's best to approach them with empathy and a non-judgmental attitude. Understanding their underlying feelings of inadequacy can help in interacting with them.

Understand the Root of the Narcissist's Behavior

Dealing with a compensatory narcissist can be challenging, but understanding the root of their behavior can help. Narcissistic behavior can be classified into five different types, as defined by psychologist Theodore Millon in 1996. One type of narcissism is called compensatory narcissism, which involves a passive-aggressive behavior in an attempt to alter one's standing socially or personally. This type of behavior can be traced back to the psychological and emotional needs of the narcissist. Understanding their behavior and motivations can help you navigate their behavior and develop effective communication strategies.

Set Boundaries for Yourself and the Narcissist

Dealing with a compensatory narcissist can be emotionally draining and overwhelming. It is crucial to set boundaries for yourself and the narcissist. It is also important to protect your self-esteem and emotional stability. Don't allow the narcissist to control your life or thoughts, instead keep communication as clear and concise as possible. Don't hesitate to seek professional help if necessary. Understanding the compensatory narcissist and their behavior can help you cope with their actions and avoid getting caught up in their manipulation tactics. Simply set clear limits and make it clear that certain behaviors are not acceptable. Remember, communication and self-care are key when dealing with a compensatory narcissist.

Don't Take Their Behavior Personally

Dealing with a compensatory narcissist can be challenging. It is important to keep in mind that their behavior is often a reflection of underlying feelings of inadequacy and not a personal attack. These types of narcissists have a need for control and can become vulnerable to criticism and threats to their self-esteem. They often display passive-aggressive tendencies that stem from their insecurities. To deal with a compensatory narcissist, it is important to set clear boundaries and communicate expectations in a firm but kind manner. Having patience, empathy, and understanding while maintaining personal boundaries can help in handling this type of behavior. By not taking their behavior personally, you can navigate the situation in a more constructive way.

Use Empathy to Connect With the Narcissist

Connecting with a compensatory narcissist can be difficult due to their self-centered nature and emotional dysregulation. However, using empathy to connect with them can prove effective in building a positive relationship. Understanding the workings of an individual with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), including their self-esteem dysregulation, is important in establishing a connection. It is essential to promote their self-esteem and avoid challenging it. Empathy can be used to connect with the NPD individual in positive circumstances, such as success-related experiences. Furthermore, empathy allows the narcissist to feel understood and accepted. Connecting with a narcissist can be challenging, but with the right approach, it is possible to foster a positive relationship.

Seek Professional Help When Necessary

Dealing with a compensatory narcissist is no easy task, and it is essential to seek help from professionals. Such individuals can exert complete control over your life, and changing your lifestyle is a crucial part of coping. Remember to have patience in the recovery process as this can take time. It is important not to give in to the compensatory narcissist's demands, as they will only continue to manipulate and control you. With professional help, guidance, and support, you can slowly learn to cope with a compensatory narcissist's behavior and prevent them from affecting your life negatively.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the characteristics of a compensatory narcissist?
How can I recognize and differentiate between a compensatory narcissist and other types of narcissists?

Differentiating between a compensatory narcissist and other types of narcissists can be difficult, but there are some key distinctions to look for. A compensatory narcissist may display grandiose behaviors to compensate for underlying feelings of inadequacy or insecurity. They may also seek constant affirmation and validation from others.

Other types of narcissists, such as malignant or vulnerable narcissists, may display more overtly destructive or self-pitying behaviors. It is important to remember that all types of narcissists can be manipulative and difficult to deal with, so setting healthy boundaries is important regardless of the specific subtype.

What are some effective ways to communicate with a compensatory narcissist?

Dealing with a compensatory narcissist can be challenging. Some effective ways to communicate with them include keeping the conversation focused on facts and avoiding emotionally charged language.

It can also be helpful to acknowledge their achievements and offer positive feedback, while also setting clear boundaries to maintain a healthy relationship.

Ultimately, it's important to remember that you cannot change a person's personality or behavior, but you can control your own reactions and responses to them.

How can I set boundaries and protect myself when dealing with a compensatory narcissist?

Dealing with a compensatory narcissist can be difficult, but setting clear boundaries is essential for protecting yourself. Be firm and assertive in communicating your limits and do not tolerate any disrespectful behavior. It may also be helpful to limit your contact with the individual or seek the support of a therapist or trusted friend. Remember to prioritize your own well-being and do not let yourself be manipulated or used by the compensatory narcissist.


Dealing with a compensatory narcissist can be a tough task, but not impossible. Understanding their behavior type is the first step to avoid feeling trapped, helpless, and resentful. Boundaries are your personal and emotional space and should be in place to avoid being manipulated or drained. It is also imperative not to take the behaviors of the narcissist personally as it is not about you, rather about their self-projection. Empathy is a valuable tool for connecting with the narcissist while keeping your boundaries in check. If the situation escalates beyond your control, seeking professional help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a wise decision. Remember to prioritize your well-being and seek help when you need it.

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