What Do Narcissists Do When You Ignore Them

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a cycle with a narcissist where nothing you do is ever enough, but at the same time, you feel trapped because you're scared of their reaction if you try to ignore them? Sometimes it feels like nothing works, and you're at your wit's end. You're not alone, and ignoring a narcissist may seem counterintuitive or even scary, but it can be a powerful tool for healing and breaking free from their grasp. In this blog post, we will explore why ignoring a narcissist can be necessary, and how to actually do it. We will also cover what happens when you ignore a narcissist and how to effectively deal with a narcissist who ignores you. It's time to take control and recognize the benefits of ignoring a narcissist.

What Do Narcissists Do When You Ignore Them

Reasons to Ignore a Narcissist

Ignoring a narcissist can be a double-edged sword. Narcissists ignore you as a way to control you and win back their control over you. Ignoring them punctures their delusions of self-importance and they react with hostility or by engaging in any kind of behavior necessary to get control again. Ignoring a narcissist can temporarily rob them of their narcissistic supply, making them feel powerless and empty inside.

If you're engaged with a narcissist, it's important to be mindful about everything you do, including texting them. Narcissists only like to talk about themselves, and so texts should always revolve around them. Ignoring a narcissist may lead to them trying to win you back, so be prepared to deal with that situation. Ultimately, only you know if ignoring a narcissist is worth the risk, so think carefully before deploying this tactic in your dealings with them.

How to Ignore a Narcissist

Ignoring a narcissist can be a healthy way to take care of oneself and a suitable response to their toxic behavior. Ignoring them is the best way to react, but remember that it won't change them. It's important to understand that narcissists hate to be ignored as it drains them of their supply, which they seek to maintain their self-importance. In some cases, they might not react at all, but in other situations, they may intensify their attempts to one-up you with more the same behavior. Although it can be tempting to help a narcissist see the hurt they are causing, it is important to remember that they lack a conscience and will not feel any remorse for their actions. Ignoring a narcissist is not an easy feat, but it can lead to self-growth and self-worth, allowing individuals to take charge of their lives and not let it revolve around someone else.

What Happens When You Ignore a Narcissist?

Ignoring a narcissist can trigger various reactions, depending on the person's level of narcissism. When you ignore a narcissist, they may feel a loss of control and use ignoring you as a way of regaining power in the relationship. Ignoring them can also fuel their sense of importance and validate their need for attention. Narcissists often avoid conflict and may ignore you to make you take responsibility for resolving it.

Ignoring a narcissistic person can also give them pleasure, as it is a form of narcissistic supply. You may be left wondering what you did wrong to be ignored by the narcissist. It helps to understand that their behavior isn't a reflection of your worth but rather their insecurity and need for control. It’s best to avoid engaging in the narcissist's drama as it will only give them more power over you.

Dealing with a Narcissist Who Ignores You

Dealing with a narcissist who ignores you can be challenging. Ignoring them is one way to deal with their behavior, but it can also provide them with a form of narcissistic supply. Narcissists take pleasure in your reaction to being ignored, which can cause them to become angry and lash out. In some cases, they may block you altogether if you try to break away by ignoring them.

Their refusal to communicate with you can lead to feelings of guilt and confusion. However, it's essential to remember that their behavior is not your fault, and setting boundaries for yourself is crucial. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to deal with a narcissist who ignores you, it's essential to stay calm, stick to your boundaries, and seek support from a therapist or support group. Remember, you have the right to protect yourself and your emotional well-being.

Recognizing the Effects of Ignoring a Narcissist

Ignoring a narcissist can have a few effects. Narcissists have a strong desire to be the center of attention, and they ignore people to gain control over them and punish them for not respecting their ego. If you ignore a narcissist, it can make them feel entitled to people and material possessions. Additionally, it can trigger an emotional response from them - a narcissist may respond to being ignored with guilt-tripping and playing the victim. However, ignoring a narcissist can eventually lead to them realizing that the world doesn't revolve around them, which can make them miserable. This can be a good thing for their ultimate healing, as they'll be forced to confront the reality of their own behavior and its consequences.

The Benefits of Ignoring a Narcissist

Ignoring a narcissist can have several benefits, including self-growth, independence, and self-worth. It allows you to regain control of a situation and refocus your attention on yourself. Unfortunately, for a narcissist, being ignored can be a source of narcissistic supply. Therefore, they may try to regain your attention with aggressive behavior or manipulation. When a narcissist is no longer getting the level of attention they are used to and begins to feel ignored, they may lash out or ramp up their risky behavior.

While ignoring a narcissist can be an effective means of punishment for causing a narcissistic injury, it is critical to ensure that you take care of yourself and prioritize your mental and emotional health.

Frequently Asked Questions


How do narcissists typically react to being ignored?

Narcissists typically react poorly to being ignored, as attention and admiration are important to their sense of self-worth. They may feel angry, frustrated, or even try to seek revenge on those who ignore them. In some cases, they may try to manipulate or guilt-trip others into giving them attention again. If you are dealing with a narcissist, it is important to set boundaries and prioritize your own well-being.

Can ignoring a narcissist actually be an effective strategy?

Ignoring a narcissist can be an effective strategy in some cases. Narcissists thrive on attention and validation, so depriving them of these things can lead to a decrease in their negative behaviors. However, it is important to remain safe and set boundaries when dealing with narcissistic individuals. Seeking the help of a therapist or mental health professional can also provide additional support and guidance for managing relationships with narcissists.

What are some potential risks or dangers of ignoring a narcissist?

Ignoring a narcissist can potentially lead to their anger or aggression, as they thrive on attention and control. They may also try to manipulate or guilt trip you into giving them attention again. However, it is important to prioritize your own mental health and boundaries, and not engage with toxic or abusive behavior. It may be necessary to seek support from a therapist or other resources to safely manage the situation.

How can one protect themselves from a narcissist's retaliation after ignoring them?

Protecting oneself from a narcissist's retaliation after ignoring them can be challenging, but there are a few things you can do. Firstly, it is important to establish clear boundaries and communicate them firmly but politely. Narcissists often prey on people who they perceive to be weak or easily intimidated.

Secondly, consider blocking their phone number and social media profiles to prevent them from contacting you directly. Lastly, document any harassing behavior and consider seeking legal assistance if necessary to protect yourself. Remember to prioritize your own safety and well-being above all else.


When dealing with a narcissist, ignoring them can sometimes be the best course of action. It can protect your emotional and mental health, and help you break free from their manipulative grasp. Ignoring a narcissist may not be easy, but it can provide you with numerous benefits. You can finally have more control over your life, and they won't be able to use their tactics to control you. Additionally, ignoring a narcissist can force them to confront their own behavior, and it may even lead to positive changes in their personality. To learn more about how to deal with a narcissist who demands your attention, read our informative guide on what to do when you ignore them.

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